(Geneva, Switzerland) – In 2019, Junior Achievement (JA) celebrates 100 years of serving students throughout America, and during that century, JA has grown to an organization with global reach and impact.  When the team at NGO Advisor looks at NGOs to assemble their annual Top 500 NGOs List, they base their rankings on three primary categories: Innovation, Impact, and Governance, and on 165 distinct criteria.

JA Worldwide is one of 40 organizations that appear on the 2019 list as first time.  JA is the highest ranked new-comer, noted by the reviewers as “one of the most influential networks connecting entrepreneurs all over the planet.”

As usual we, at NGO Advisor, still have a lot of work to do in exploring the Social Profit world, and we encourage any organization to reach out and put themselves on NGO Advisor’s radar.  Since the Top 500 list was first published in 2015, following the 2012 and 2013 Top 100 list by The Global Journal, NGO Advisor’s understanding, and vision of the sector have evolved, and will continue to do so.

Junior Achievement (JA) is the world’s largest organization dedicated to providing students, grades K-12, with the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success. JA programs are delivered, free of charge to schools, by corporate and community volunteers. Programs focus on financial literacy, workplace readiness and entrepreneurship and provide an important and practical supplement to the standard classroom curriculum. Founded in 1919, JA annually reaches almost 5 million students in 107 markets throughout the US. Internationally, JA is provided in 100 countries reaching 10 million students.

For more information on how to get involved with Junior Achievement as a volunteer, sponsor or school, please call 203-382-0180 or go online to server.peraltadev.com/jagfc

About NGO Advisor – a Geneva-based independent media organization, NGO Advisor has published the Top NGOs World ranking annually since 2012, spotlighting the most innovative, and impactful organizations in the sector. Co-founded in 2009 by Jean-Christophe Nothias, a journalist formerly working for The Global Journal, the organization combines academic rigor with journalistic integrity, and autonomy. Over the years, the organization has refined the ranking’s methodology to emphasize not only creativity, and innovation but also key operational features like governance, transparency, and sustainability. Using publicly available information, NGOs are scored against 165 individual criteria, and can earn a maximum score of 1,400.